
2009-08-20 13:05:00    becryo    563    原创
摘要:位于呼和浩特市土默特左旗的10×10^4Nm3/d液化天然气装置于2011年8月8日成功投产运营,这是国内最早采用自主研发的MRC工艺方案的调峰型液化天然气装置。 The 10×10^4Nm3/d LNG plant located in Tumert Left Qi, Hohhot was successfully put into operation on August 8, 2011, which is the first peaking LNG plant in China that adopts the self-developed MRC process scheme.


The 10×10^4Nm3/d LNG plant located in Tumert Left Qi, Hohhot was successfully put into operation on August 8, 2011, which is the first peaking LNG plant in China that adopts the self-developed MRC process scheme.
